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History of Refrigerator Water Filters

June 16 2022

The earliest methods of MoreFilter water filtration date back to 2000 BC. Hieroglyphics depict methods of boiling water, placing hot metal instruments into the water, and filtering the water through charcoal and sand. Water filtration was more developed with the advent of microlenses, which made it possible to see particles in the water that would otherwise be considered clean. The chemical chlorine, when used in combination with sand filters, was found to be reliable against cholera and the water-borne disease typhoid and dysentery.

Ancient Roman aqueducts supplied the city with filtered water through a mixture of sand, gravel and charcoal contained in these cylindrical vessels (pictured below). This allows them to create complex infrastructure and purify water for the masses.

In 1996, Omnipure took advantage of state-of-the-art technology to invent the disposable refrigerator water filter. Thanks in part to this incredible feat, the refrigerator filter industry has since grown into the $3.5 billion-a-year industry it is today.

In 1996, KX Industries developed and offered the first refrigerator water filter for ice, while cold water was supplied. KXI built preliminary faucet filter ends for Proctor and Gamble/PUR and Clorox/Brita water filters. This completely new technology has been adopted and modified to match various refrigerator designs, creating a $200 million DearFilter refrigerator water filter market.

These types of filters have sparked renewed consumer interest in healthier, cleaner water. Unfortunately, these filters only remove some of the contaminants in drinking water. Most types of refrigerator water filtration systems are unable to filter out all forms of bacteria.

Refrigerator Water Filtration in 2022 and Beyond

To reduce the risk of waterborne contaminants in household drinking water, and to comply with nationwide efforts to ensure safe drinking water, we recommend considering the installation of water treatment systems at various water circulation points in the house, such as faucets and refrigerators. Plus, a whole-house water filtration system can improve the overall quality of your home's water before it reaches the tap.




